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Featured Startup: Shastic

by | Mar 3, 2020 | Profile

Shastic joined FintechAccel | CU in our invite-only showcase in Tampa, Florida, where top startups presented to sponsoring credit unions and innovation council members, followed by rapid 1-on-1 interactions to maximize access.

Meet Shastic’s Founder

Joseariel Gomez

CEO & Co-Founder

Financial institutions are seeing over 1500% ROI results!


What Is Shastic? 

Shastic helps credit unions provide a faster, more engaging and more relevant member experience using Text Messaging, Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Automation.


As credit unions, we’ve been taught to communicate with members in the exact opposite way of how members communicate with each other, using branches, calls, and emails while members adopted new mediums such as text messaging and social media. 80% of credit unions today do not provide a text messaging offering to members which creates a barrier for attracting new members and meeting the expectations of today’s mobile-first consumers.


An intelligent text-messaging platform that uses the latest A.I. and Robotic Automation technologies to provide a faster, more relevant and more engaging member experience tailored to meet the expectations of today’s modern consumers.

Competition & Competitive Advantage

Shastic focuses in Tier 3 and Tier 4 financial institutions, primarily credit unions who require a specialized partner that understands the regulatory requirements of the financial industry and can offer a fast, frictionless solution with minimal overhead and low operational risk.

All other specialized competitors today focus on serving Tier 1 and Tier 2 FIs with year-long implementation cycles and high-maintenance offerings that require a large investment and substantially increase the operational risk for the institution.